How to Make Stress Your Friend


As with all things I talk about, how we choose to think about things effects the way we live.

So, I want to share this 13 minute TED Talk by Kelly McGonigal who is a health psychologist. She has some profound ideas regarding how we think about stress and how our body has a built in mechanism for handling stress. She says that stress is not our enemy and that when we follow our heart, choosing to do what we love, our bodies will actually handle the new stress better than if we choose to avoid a new situation because we are afraid of the stress it may add to our lives. Give it a listen. You may just see that we have been thinking about it all wrong.

The Creative Power of your Thoughts


We all have symbols that represent something special to us. We wear caps with the symbol of our favorite sports team or state park. Our t-shirts may have a word printed on them announcing a brand we are fond of or a belief we hold dear. Lately, I have been asked by retail clerks and friends what significance my necklace has that I wear, so I thought I would share it with you here. In the teachings of Ernest Holmes, the author of Science of Mind which is a philosophy based on Metaphysics and that everything and everyone is part of the Whole, he drew a circle which signifies all there is, i.e., the Universe. Then, within that circle is a line going down and then back up creating a “V” shape. The top section of the circle is our thoughts also known as our creative mind. Our thoughts then plant seeds into the Soil of life, the middle section of the circle which responds to what it is given. From the continuous planting of the same thoughts, we create our experiences. Life starts showing up the way we think. That is the bottom section of the circle. It represents form, situations, and conditions. You may have seen the meems on Facebook or Instagram about how awful Mondays are, right? Well, if we have a habit of thinking a certain day of the week is worse than the others, soon you will find evidence in your experiences that it IS true and it will continue to perpetuate that same evidence until you would rather just hide under the covers until Tuesday morning.  Same is true regarding our thoughts about money, relationships, health, or jobs.

You can’t plant a tomato seeds and expect strawberries. The same is true about our thinking and a lot of it is unconscious. We have been thinking the same way for such a long time that we may not realize it anymore. When we desire to make shifts in our life and seek out new experiences, sometimes we feel stuck and wonder why we can’t change. This is when we look at our beliefs and our thoughts behind them. This is when we can choose to make that small step and reach out for help to unearth some of these hidden thoughts. Once seen for what they are, thoughts can be changed and a new freedom is found and we can create a new reality for ourselves.

Thoughts are creative. Let’s plant the good ones!!!