What’s in your Closet? a.k.a. Beliefs Around Money, Habits, and Dreams


I have been loving the activity on my last post about Contemplative Writing! Funny thing is… I got distracted this morning as I was about to write my 750 Words i.e. my brain dump for the day. I reached over to grab a book to raise my laptop a little higher and I began reading it instead. It was a book my Mom gave me some time ago called Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. I love “dropping into it” and re-reading some of the simple and logical ways that he explains things about money, debt, savings and living. He really makes things clear and stirs the excitement about the topic of money. Another book about money that I have enjoyed reading this past year is called The Money Keys by Karen Russo. She uses spiritual principles and tools that unlock some of the mysteries around money, beliefs and freedom. One of the things she teaches is that we need to be aware of the old beliefs that may be holding us back from obtaining our goals, even if that goal is to get out of debt and have a savings account. I took her workshop and would advise anyone to at least visit her website at www.themoneykeys.com. She offers a Money Keys Starter Kit. Both Karen’s and Dave’s books contain essential, sound instructions for financial healing and wholeness.

My distraction was not really a distraction, but the leading of my higher Self to write and share about this topic. Money doesn’t get talked about enough in this light. Our thinking around it, our beliefs about it, and the swirling feelings that get stirred need to be looked at, explored, and taken out of the closet to allow healing to occur. Anything is possible once we start taking steps towards our goals and everything is possible when we take action. Sometimes, I take a look back to where I was 12 years ago and I pause to give thanks for the many, many things that happened. I was in a lot of debt, working two jobs, a relationship was ending and I chose to claim bankruptcy. I was pretty down on myself during that period of my life. I realized that was the time to start making some changes. These changes took place in all areas of my life, not just one or two. I began with buying only what I could pay for at the time I bought it. I created a budget and consulted it often. I began reading books that helped me with my beliefs about life, about myself and provided inspiration to take new actions. I began going to the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa where I was able to surround myself with loving people who accepted me just the way I was and just the way I wasn’t. I heard the message that I can change my life by simply choosing to change my mind. I started taking workshops and classes at the Center and through them I met people who became friends and part of my support system. Then, 7 years later, I became a Licensed Prayer Practitioner! How cool is that?

It is never too late to start a new path. It is never too late to reset one’s goals and dreams! Life is full and the journey is a fabulous one! The Universe conspires on our behalf every day to do what we believe can happen. I am so grateful that I learned that I could stay out of debt, change my habits, and live a more fulfilled and abundant life. I love sharing this story and I am available to talk with anyone who would like support in manifesting desired dreams.

The Closet is Open,
